Hillary Clinton Up To 1.7 Million Votes Over Trump

Hillary Clinton Up To 1.7 Million Votes Over Trump

There is much controversy over Trump’s presidential victory. Even though Clinton won the popular vote Trump won because of the electoral college vote. The election is long over, so why are votes still being counted? There are millions of voters each election but in order to save some time they announce the winner of each

There is much controversy over Trump’s presidential victory. Even though Clinton won the popular vote Trump won because of the electoral college vote. The election is long over, so why are votes still being counted? There are millions of voters each election but in order to save some time they announce the winner of each state when a certain number is reached much like the presidential winner and electoral votes. So votes are continually being counted even after the winner is announced. At last count Hillary Clinton was just under 1.7 million votes over Trump in popular vote.

Trump himself has said that the electoral college “a disaster for democracy” when he thought “Barack Obama lost the popular vote but won through the electoral college. Which by the way wasn’t true, Barack Obama won both the popular vote and electoral college vote both times he ran for president. But when Trump won through the electoral college and not the popular vote he said “The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is much different!”

It seems like Trump changes his opinion based on whatever it more convenient for him at the time, but what else is new? He even shrugs off critics who say he didn’t earn the presidency due the fact that he won in a way that he criticized himself. On Twitter he said, He tweeted: “If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily.” Experts have serious doubts that Trump could ever have won the popular vote with the amount of time left in the election.

A combination of postal votes and unverified election day ballots are finally being tallied. The number of votes that Clinton is projected to beat Trump by is around 2 million popular votes. The sad thing is third party candidates like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson from the Libertarian Party accumulated about 7 million votes throughout the country. With those votes Clinton could have won the election. Supporters of Clinton are advocating for a revolution or at least the dissolution of the Electoral College. The Electoral College doesn’t actually vote until Dec 19th but it is unlikely that enough Electoral College voters will switch their allegience.



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