Microsoft has had some hits and some misses when it comes to upgrading their flagship product, the Windows operating system. Windows XP was and still is one of the most popular computer operating systems in the world. The successor, Windows Vista was not well received. Microsoft was quick to come out with Windows 7, 8,
Microsoft has had some hits and some misses when it comes to upgrading their flagship product, the Windows operating system. Windows XP was and still is one of the most popular computer operating systems in the world. The successor, Windows Vista was not well received. Microsoft was quick to come out with Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 which all had mixed reviews. Then they released Windows 10, which skipped 9 because Microsoft said it was just that much better than 8. Microsoft has said that there will not be a Windows 11 or 12 or any other number. The plan is to just continuously make adjustments to Windows 10 from now on.
In order to get as many people on board with Windows 10 as possible, for a full year since they released it, they offered a completely free upgrade from any other genuine Windows OS. Though the upgrade was only to the Home edition but that’s more than enough for most people. Now that August has arrived, that marks the end of the free upgrades. That means if you want Windows 10, you’ll have to pay full retail price for it. Though there are reports that some people are using a loophole to make use of a free upgrade extension. Users that require accessibility features that are only found in Windows 10 are still able to upgrade for free. Basically, those that are disabled in some way can still upgrade for free. Windows 10 still trails behind some operating systems like Windows XP as the most popular in the world but that might change in the next few years depending on what kind of upgrades they have planned.
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