Is Chocolate Really Good For You?

Is Chocolate Really Good For You?

Whether you like to bake with it, mold with it, or just straight up eat it most people go nuts over chocolate. Over the years there have been lots of research both good and bad over chocolate and it’s effects on our health. If you’re part of the majority that just can’t live without the

Whether you like to bake with it, mold with it, or just straight up eat it most people go nuts over chocolate. Over the years there have been lots of research both good and bad over chocolate and it’s effects on our health. If you’re part of the majority that just can’t live without the brown gold you’re in luck; the latest research shows that habitual chocolate intake is a good thing. A recent study links regular chocolate intake with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. The study spanned 12 years and compared a controlled group who didn’t eat chocolate at all to a group that ate a relatively high amount of chocolate (roughly half to two bars of chocolate) on a daily basis. Only 12% of the group that ate chocolate died of cardiovascular disease versus the 17.4% that died of cardiovascular disease from the group that didn’t eat any chocolate.

It’s unclear what part chocolate has on our health exactly, but there are things we do know. Chocolate contains antioxidants, flavonols, and polyphenols all which are proven to help various body functions. Of course there is always a trade off, most chocolate has a high sugar content which is bad to take in on a regular basis. But, as long as you’re okay with dark chocolate which has a lower sugar content you can still get your chocolate fix. In fact, dark chocolate specifically with a lower sugar and dairy content has been shown to improve mobility in the elderly, raise good cholesterol, and have positive effects in cognitive function. It is important to note that, too much anything is a bad thing. Things like chocolate as a sweet treat should be eaten in moderation.


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