This Is Where All The Rich Millennials Are Living

This Is Where All The Rich Millennials Are Living

Millennials are known as the “Benjamin Franklin” generation. The generation that creates for themselves as opposed to falling in line and becoming corporate cogs. But, data shows that millenials associate themselves most strongly with the working class. Many people theorize that the myth that millennials create for themselves comes from the necessity because the job

Millennials are known as the “Benjamin Franklin” generation. The generation that creates for themselves as opposed to falling in line and becoming corporate cogs. But, data shows that millenials associate themselves most strongly with the working class. Many people theorize that the myth that millennials create for themselves comes from the necessity because the job market has become the most competitive since past years. When in fact, many of them want the stability of going to work and earning a living to save for the future like generations before them.

Of course, that doesn’t paint the full picture. There are in fact many millennials that are striking gold, primarily in the finance and information sectors. So where do the young and wealthy hang their hats? For the purposes of argument, we define millennials to be anyone within the ages of 22 and 34 and wealthy to be anyone with an annual income greater than $350,000 per year. Then data indicates that if you live in Arlington, VA you have the highest chance at having a wealthy millennial as a neighbor. Other cities like San Francisco and Pasadena make sense because of their proximity to the silicon valley. But Washington, is a bit of a mystery. Though if you look at Arlington itself, that might be less of a mystery. A suburban town that boasts a median $109,000 annual income per household. More tellingly is that median home value is $600,000 which makes sense that millennials would put down roots here to buy bigger and more expensive homes down the road.

Cities like New York City didn’t quite make the cut on this list but it is one of the cities where millennials are usually the highest earners in their family before they move on to other cities when they want to set up a family.



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