Two things are certain in life and if you’re a celebrity it isn’t death or taxes. One is waiting for an unreliable Uber and that Kanye West hates paparazzi. In fact, the latter is so true that Kanye himself has been on probation for assault on a paparazzi. Based on Kim Kardashian’s newly created Snapchat
Two things are certain in life and if you’re a celebrity it isn’t death or taxes. One is waiting for an unreliable Uber and that Kanye West hates paparazzi. In fact, the latter is so true that Kanye himself has been on probation for assault on a paparazzi.
Based on Kim Kardashian’s newly created Snapchat account she opens up a new insight into celebrity royalty. Kanye surprisingly lives a normal life. Granted he drives around in cars worth a quarter million dollars, but he drives himself. It doesn’t come as a massive surprise that he also uses Uber. That’s right, somewhere in cyber space he has an account just like any of us that has an aggregate score of how he likes his drivers. It turns out that on a certain day he didn’t like his Uber driver very much. A driver that supposedly kept Kanye waiting for quite a while actually made him decide to ride with a paparazzi. He even tweeted out that he was “getting a ride from a papz” which of course has since been deleted.
This video shows undeniable proof that maybe we’ve seen a different side of Kanye. Definitely a refreshing change of pace from his recent pleas for financial help and what some might say is a mental breakdown. Maybe it’s time to take a second look at Kanye West.
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